I know many of us will be glued to the television tomorrow morning anxiously awaiting the outcome of Punxsutawney Phil’s shadow!!! Will it be an early Spring or is 6 more weeks of Winter in store for us?? As Minnesotans, I think we all know the outcome for us!!! Anyways, lot’s of things are happening here at the DSTA. I want to start by thanking all the members that came to our Christmas Party in December at the Greysolon. It was a great evening with a good turnout! I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Now for new business, I need everyone to take out their phones
or computers and start reserving the 3rd Wednesday of every month (Except in the Summer) for our DSTA meetings. Starting this month, February 15th, we will hold our first meeting of the year. It will be at Ace’s on 29 from 4:30-6:30. This will be just a social networking meeting with no speaker. There will be free appetizers provided and lot’s of great conversations to be had by all. I hope you all can make it for at least a little while! March is still not quite finalized yet, but in April we will be touring the Cirrus plant and then in May, Mayor Larson will be speaking to us about her vision for Duluth!! She is excited to hear from our members about issues affecting us. So plan on coming and have your voice heard. Then it’s
Summertime and we have the food drive and golf outing scheduled for June. This year’s golf outing will be at Black Bear!! Lots of details to follow in the next several months.
Also don’t forget to get your memberships into Dawn. We will be sending out reminders in the near future for those we don’t get in, so please take care of this ASAP. Thanks again everyone for all you do for our organization. Remember if you have any ideas for a meeting or speaker,
please let one of the board members know.
Scott Franzen, DSTA President