Hello DSTA Members,
Well it looks like Punxsutawney Phil was right as we
have a very large snow storm barreling down on us this
week!! I want to start out by thanking all the members
that came to our first meeting of 2023. I was hoping for a
much larger turnout, but a good time was had by all. We
had a surprise guest join us, Al Dirksen. Thanks Al for
joining us! Our next meeting is coming up very soon on
Wednesday March 15th. Pat Huston, MNDOT Assistant
District Manager of Major Projects will give a brief
overview and status of both the Twin Ports
Interchange(TPI) and Blatnik projects. This will be
followed by time for questions and answers. Our
meeting will be held at Barkers Island Inn. Happy hour
is from 5-6pm, with dinner starting at 6:00 and the
meeting immediately following. Registration is required.
Please fill out the form on the following pages and get
back to Dawn as soon as possible. We need to have a firm
count a two weeks before for Barkers. This will be a
great meeting and we need your attendance to keep
things like this continuing. Also don’t forget we have a
lunch time meeting scheduled at Cirrus for April 19th,
and Duluth Mayor, Emily Larson, on May 17th. One
more thing, don’t forget to get you membership renewals
back to Dawn also!!!! Thanks everyone and see you
March 15th!!!
Scott Franzen, DSTA President