Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the Annual Election and Past Presidents’ Night!
Well, it is official. This will be my last President’s Note! It has been an honor to serve as your president for the past two years and as a board member for the four years prior to that. I will be moving to the Past President position so I will still be very involved, just not leading the charge. Joe Schiff is y our new President for 2020 and will do a great job just like he did in 2013. Scott Franzen and Joe Neubauer have agreed to step up and move up the ranks toward the Presidency in the future and both have the skills to evolve and grow the DSTA. Daniel Rust, Carol Isakson, Leyla Aktekin, Richie Rochel, Ian Schoenike, Dawn Evans, and Chelsea Loining are all going to bring great attributes to the board and help it grow. Thank you for your commitment to the DSTA and the transportation industry.
The DSTA members should all be proud of the accomplishments of the organization in the past few years. Since the inception of the DSTA Fill-a-Truck, Feed-a-Family Food and Fund Drive in 2014, DSTA members and the Duluth/Superior community have donated 139,564 meals to the Duluth/Superior Community. Since the inception of the DSTA Scholarship Fund in 2017, the DSTA has given $1000 in scholarships (2-$500 scholarships) and has endowed $13,000 in the DSTA Scholarship name at UW-Superior Foundation. Great job DSTA members and donors to the scholarship fund! Together we can do more!
Gina Schneider, DSTA President